
Article in Metro 26/11/2012

Translation (roughly) Contribution. Malmö organization arrange ambulances to save lives in Syria Swedish ambulances that will save lives in Syria. Behind the aid effort is the Malmö-based organization Nordisk Hjälp, which on Friday began the approximately 400-mile long journey to the Turkish-Syrian border. “One hopes that this can be the difference between life and death. […]

15 ambulances to Turkey/Syria

Just in! 15 ambulances are to be driven down to the Turkey/Syria border to help refugees pouring in from Syria. The departure is tonight at 22:00 from Malmö and expected time of arrival should be next Wednesday! ALSO keep an eye out tomorrow (22nd Nov.) in Metro & Skånska dagbladet, which will publish an article […]

The situation in Syria is still awful

Donate to help Syrian refugees! We work to help families in need from Syria who are fleeing to surrounding countries. The aid mainly consists of food parcels, help with healthcare and other necessities. Do you also want to help? Text the number — and support our work! Write “NH 50” (to donate 50 SEK), “NH […]

The crisis in Gaza

The crisis in Gaza is worsening according to the news every day! Did YOU know that Nordisk Hjälp is, at it’s current best, transporting 6 ambulances that are on their way to the Gaza Strip? Do you want to support our medical projects in Gaza that aim to help vulnerable families and children? You can […]

Lecture for Rotary Helsingborg-Berga

Two weeks ago Nordisk Hjälp gave a lecture about our organization for Rotary Helsingborg-Berga! More pictures and a summary are available at

Ambulances on their way to Gaza!

The six ambulances that Nordisk Hjälp (together with Emmaus Fredriksdahl) will send to Gaza are now on their way by freight to Alexandria in Egypt! From there they will be driven across the border to Gaza and help many Palestinians who have very little access to healthcare.

Nordisk Hjälp has a newsletter!

Nordisk Hjälp has now started writing e-mail newsletters. The newsletter will have a short summary of our projects and results, as well as news sent 6-8 times a year. Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up-to-date on our work? Click to — (Note: We use MailChimp these days, please visit the […]