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General conditions

Terms of payment

Along with our Finance and Fundraising Policy, we comply with Consumer Protection legislation that protects anyone who makes a gift to us with the consumer rights that everyone receives when making payments within the European Union (EU). This includes the following:

- The right to ask questions about the donation and the cause the donor is supporting.
- The right to remain anonymous, which coincides with what is described in the Privacy Policy.
- The right to request a refund if you change your mind, as long as the refund is requested within a reasonable time (i.e. within 10 working days).
- The right to cancel your membership or monthly payment immediately when you formally communicate your wish to unsubscribe by phone or email.
NOTE! Monthly payments (or AutoGiro) that have no due date are due at the end of each month.

More about monthly payments / Autogiro Privat

We use the word membership to mean a kind of subscription made via monthly payments.

If you choose to make monthly payments after you have filled in the form to become a sponsor, you understand that we will remind you every quarter to make your monthly payments on time with payment cards that we send out. This is done manually as long as you have asked us to do so, or it is done automatically via Autogiro.

If you make the payment via Autogiro Privat, you agree that withdrawals may be made from the specified bank account at the request of the specified payee for transfer to the latter via the banks' automatic payment service, Autogiro.

Nordisk Hjälp uses PayPal, Swish and PostGiro/Bankgiro as available payment methods.

Terms of use of membership and more

Your membership is personal and may not be transferred to or used by others. You are responsible for letting us know if your payment details or information such as your address and/or telephone number change or if you wish to cancel your membership with us. Email directly to reach our support.

If you want to read about how we handle personal data (and cookies), you can find the details on our Privacy Policy.

Giva Sweden's quality code (formerly FRII) and code reporting

Giva Sweden's quality code is the fundraising industry's self-regulatory instrument and serves as a support for members' quality assurance. The fundraising industry is entirely dependent on the trust of donors. To maintain and strengthen this trust, Giva Sweden developed this Quality Code, which was launched in 2007, and has now been updated a number of times - most recently in October 2022.
The Quality Code takes a broad approach to fundraising organizations and helps organizations to audit themselves and to build a sustainable and transparent structure. The Quality Code is based on the following areas;

Core values

- Ethical principles and guidance
- Financial accounting
- Impact measurement and reporting
- Internal control & governance

Code reporting

All Giva Sweden members must publish a biennial report on how their organization has applied the Quality Code. The report must be included in the organization's annual report, or be a separate report. Read more about the Code at

Collection control

The Swedish Fundraising Control monitors aid organizations and ensures, among other things, that money collected through a 90-account goes to the purpose without unreasonable costs. Only non-profit organizations, foundations and religious communities that have been approved as 90-account holders by the Swedish Fundraising Control and are audited by them can get a seven-digit 90-account with PlusGirot or Bankgirot. 90-accounts may be used for fundraising among the general public by the foundations, non-profit associations and religious communities approved by the Swedish Fundraising Control.

Svensk Insamlingskontroll requires that no more than 25 percent of the total revenue goes to collection costs and administration. Nordisk Hjälp uses a 90-account to gain greater control over the funds collected.