Today, Nordisk Hjälp organization launched the campaign “Offer för Eid 2020”.
The campaign covers the following regions:
Gaza, Jerusalem, the West Bank, Yemen, Syria, refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia,
Bangladesh, Tunisia and Iraq.
Where the value of the victim can be donated per region according to the following schedule:
Somalia 900 Swedish kronor Donation code Somalia
Syria 2000 Swedish kronor Donation code: Syria
Turkish refugee camp in 2000 Swedish kronor Donation code Turkey
Lebanon 2500 SEK Donation code Lebanon
Bangladesh 2000 SEK Donation code Bangladesh
Yemen 2000 Swedish kronor Donation code Yemen
Gaza SEK 3,000 Donation code: Gaza
Iraq SEK 2,500 Donation code: Iraq
Jerusalem SEK 5,000 Donation code Al Quds
West Bank SEK 4,500 Donation code West Bank
Jordan 2500 SEK Donation code Jordan
Tunisia 2000 Swedish kronor Donation code: Tunisia
Frozen victim to be slaughtered in Australia and Romania in Palestine, Lebanon and
Jordan 1200 SEK | Donation code Lammoffer
You can donate via Swedish North Aid Foundation account at the following number:
PlusGiro: 900323-7
Swish: 9003237
Please enter the donation code in the note field