
Brunnprojektet (The well project)

Nordisk Hjälp is drilling wells for refugees in different countries. The need for clean water is enormous and we want to make the situation easier. Help us drill wells in one of these camps! Swisha till 9003237 or use PlusGiro 900 323-7write “brunn”,...
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Nordisk Hjälp is launching the “Crystal Clear”  campaign to restore eyesight for ca.1000 individuals in Chad, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria.

If you do not see the donation form above, you can also follow this link: Nordisk Hjälp has launched a campaign called “Crystal Clear” under the slogan of a cataract-free vision campaign. The aim is to perform 1000 surgeries (at...
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Nordisk Hjälp launches an emergency aid campaign for Gaza

The emergency aid campaign is launched to help civilians in Gaza. The campaign aims to aid the people of Gaza through medical supplies, support to children in need and renovation to houses destroyed by the attacks. You may donate to...
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