
SEK 7.7 million in humanitarian aid has been delivered to Gaza. (2023-11/2024-8)

Over the past 10 months, Nordic Aid has successfully delivered urgent relief aid to the people of Gaza, amounting to SEK 7,703,199. This includes 32 trucks filled with water, food, medical supplies, flour, and several ambulances. The trucks were delivered through the Rafah crossing before its complete closure. Currently, we have four trucks at the […]

Delta i kampanjen för att tillhandahålla och distribuera Iftar-måltider till en miljon behövande individer i Mellanöstern och Afrika

I ljuset av de brådskande appeller från tusentals barn och kvinnor i olika delar av Mellanöstern och Afrika, som lever under svåra förhållanden till följd av krig, naturkatastrofer och hungersnöd, initierar Nordisk Hjälp som en del av sina globala insatser för lindring och utveckling, en omfattande kampanj för att förse en miljon behövande med Iftar […]

Urgent need in the Gaza Strip

Hospitals in the Gaza Strip suffer from a lack of medical equipment and first aid supplies. Help us save lives. Mark with GZSwisha till 9003237 Or from anywhere in the world through the following link: Spread the word and save lives!

Nordisk Hjälp supplies the solar cell project to the Hamza medical center in Lebanon

As part of the “Ljus och värme” (Light and heating) campaign that provides solar panels to clinics and preschools, Nordisk Hjälp supplies the “Malmö solcellsanläggning” (Malmö solar panel facilities) project at the Hamza Medical Center to support patients in the Al Bass Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Nordisk Hjälp has completed the implementation of the […]

Campaign to support Palestinian students in Lebanon

If you do not see the donation form above, you can also follow this link: Extend a helping hand to Palestinian university students in Lebanon. By taking part and with your donations, we will be able to provide cash assistance to 100 students in order to settle their university tuition and reduce the financial burden […]

Nordisk Hjälp continues with a new round of the “Crystal Clear” project, giving eye cataract operations for a number of people in Africa

If you don’t see the formula above you can gift your donation through the following link: Or you can of course Swisha till 9003237. PlusGiro 900 323-7.Don’t forget to mark the payment with “OP”. Thanks for your gift! Nordisk Hjälp has begun to perform many surgeries for people with eye cataracts, a deterioration of the […]